Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Cloud Migration Specialists - Veeras Infotek

The IT landscape has just undergone a new paradigm shift. Today a business can only survive if it can be responsive and flexible so that it can change and adapt to the external environment. An organization’s IT should be able to facilitate this change and not hold it back.

Migrate Data into Cloud

Today’s business end users need to access organization data/application in different places, using different devices to be more productive and profitable for the business.  An effective IT system is the one which can deliver data when required, to the person who requires it, in the form required, all the while safeguarding it from external threats.

Data is the most crucial element of an organization. Loss of data cannot be tolerated. It may not only cause financial loss but even result in permanent termination of business. The role of IT is to make sure that data is not lost whatever may be the circumstances.

With these being the major priorities of most of the organizations, many of them are moving to cloud as it provides an effective means to meet these priorities.

Cloud computing has the ability to scale out and scale back according to demand, so that an organization has the required resource whenever it needs it

It provides the end user with the ability to access organization data / application anywhere, anytime using any device through the internet.

Companies do not need to spend extra for disaster recovery as the data is in the cloud provider’s storage and most of the cloud providers take care of disaster recovery of data.

However cloud migration is a very selective and unique process for each and every company, each cloud provider has their own set of advantages and disadvantages, competencies and ineptness. There are various types of cloud implementation models that can be implemented.  What flies for one organization will not work for another. Hence it is always better to hire a cloud migration specialists for migrating a company’s data from the on premise data centre to the

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